Lektion 1, Thema 1
In Bearbeitung


Chief Clinical Officer

The Chief Clinical Officer is the Executive Director, accountable to the CEO for putting in place policies and setting the standard for the safe and secure handling of medicines by Healthcare at Home. They seek assurance that all practices to do with medicines are safe and secure from all groups below. 

Director of Nursing

The Director of Nursing is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the correct policies and procedures are in place for administration and use of medicines, and will
  • Provide support to the Clinical Governance Committee and Executive Team about best practice and regulatory requirements relating to medicines use.

Chief Pharmacist

The Chief Pharmacist is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the correct policies and procedures are in place for safe and secure handling of medicines, and will
  • Provide support to the Clinical Governance Committee and Executive Team about best practice and regulatory requirements relating to medicines use.
  • Ensure this Policy and Standard are regularly reviewed and updated, and changes are communicated throughout the company.

The Responsible Person

  • The Safe and Secure storage of all Medicines with HaH whenever supplied as a wholesale activity

The Drugs Safety Committee

Clinical Governance Committee

The Clinical Governance Committee is responsible for:

Health and Safety

  • Ensuring that the health and safety of patients, public and staff are given primary consideration when implementing or altering processes, programs, locations, or physical facilities related to medicines and carrying out risk assessments should be carried out as appropriate.
  • Advise Managers on Health and Safety concerns.

Regional Clinical Services Managers and Head of Clinical Fulfillment 

The Regional Clinical Services Managers and Head of Clinical Fulfilment are responsible for:

Clinical Services Managers and Lead Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians 

Clinical Services Managers and Lead Pharmacists are responsible for:

All Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff, including the Procurement of Medicines 

All Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff to whom this policy applies are responsible for: