Chief Clinical Officer
The Chief Clinical Officer is the Executive Director, accountable to the CEO for putting in place policies and setting the standard for the safe and secure handling of medicines by Healthcare at Home. They seek assurance that all practices to do with medicines are safe and secure from all groups below.
Director of Nursing
The Director of Nursing is responsible for:
- Ensuring the correct policies and procedures are in place for administration and use of medicines, and will
- Provide support to the Clinical Governance Committee and Executive Team about best practice and regulatory requirements relating to medicines use.
Chief Pharmacist
The Chief Pharmacist is responsible for:
- Ensuring the correct policies and procedures are in place for safe and secure handling of medicines, and will
- Provide support to the Clinical Governance Committee and Executive Team about best practice and regulatory requirements relating to medicines use.
- Ensure this Policy and Standard are regularly reviewed and updated, and changes are communicated throughout the company.
The Responsible Person
- The Safe and Secure storage of all Medicines with HaH whenever supplied as a wholesale activity
The Drugs Safety Committee
- Identifying new medicines risks and updating the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines POLICY and Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD accordingly.
- Ensuring that the health and safety of patients, public and staff are given primary consideration when implementing or altering processes, programs, locations, or physical facilities related to medicines and carrying out risk assessments should be carried out as appropriate.
- Ensure that all Adverse Event ( AE) SOP for Pharmacovigilance Officer Adverse Event Reporting and Product Quality Complaints (PQC) SOP for Handling Product Quality Complaints are recorded according to the set SOP’s.
- Establish assurance arrangements for the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines.
- Continually improve practice through review and analysis of data.
Clinical Governance Committee
The Clinical Governance Committee is responsible for:
- Approving this Policy and associated Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD
- Managing and approving exceptions and variations to the Policy and Standard.
- Establish assurance arrangements for the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines.
- Continually improve practice through review and analysis of data.
Health and Safety
- Ensuring that the health and safety of patients, public and staff are given primary consideration when implementing or altering processes, programs, locations, or physical facilities related to medicines and carrying out risk assessments should be carried out as appropriate.
- Advise Managers on Health and Safety concerns.
Regional Clinical Services Managers and Head of Clinical Fulfillment
The Regional Clinical Services Managers and Head of Clinical Fulfilment are responsible for:
- Implementation the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines POLICY and Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD.
- Performance managing the implementation of this Policy and Standard through the audit processes of the company;
- Ensure that all staff participating in the provision of services are familiar with, and adhere to, the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines POLICY and Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD.
- Ensure capacity and capability of staff to ensure safe and secure handling of medicines.
Clinical Services Managers and Lead Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Clinical Services Managers and Lead Pharmacists are responsible for:
- Ensuring that all clinicians, including all bank and contracted staff, are fully familiar, educated and comply with the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines POLICY and Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD.
- Signing off separate service competencies for clinicians
- Ensuring that clinicians have read and understood the documents with a record within the Document Management System.
- Ensuring that all cases of risk are escalated accordingly to the Incidents and complaints reporting SOP for Reporting Patient Incidents and Complaints using Tablet / SOP for Reporting Patient Incidents and Complaints using Computer
- Ensuring escalation to the pharmacist out of hours service via the Care Bureau on 01283 504122, or Trust pharmacist when necessary for clinical advice and support. Clinical Operations Out of Hours – Operational Manual
- Ensuring that all clinicians use the relevant tools in the management of medicines such as the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPc) and Drug Administration Protocols provided by Healthcare at Home.
- Ensuring the Health and Safety of clinicians working with medicines who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive, are accommodated.
- Ensuring that appropriate and properly maintained facilities and equipment are available to all staff who handle medicines especially cytotoxic drugs.
- Ensuring that pharmacy and clinical services are reviewed by the relevant managers for the service against the current COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) regulations with an authorised Healthcare at Home COSHH advisor.
- Ensuring that any member of staff transporting and administering cytotoxic drugs has received training on dealing with a spillage and droplet/ aerosol risk. Safe Handling and Administration of SACT in Community Setting POLICY.docx
All Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff, including the Procurement of Medicines
All Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff to whom this policy applies are responsible for:
- Ensuring that they are up to date with this Policy and the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD and any revisions that occur.
- Ensuring that all safety requirements according to COSHH guidelines and the Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines POLICY and Safe and Secure Handling, Administration and Supply of Medicines STANDARD are followed.
- Only carrying out hazardous activities when trained and competent to do so.
- Following departmental Standard Operating Procedures where available. See Related documents.
- Reporting all incidents and complaints SOP for Reporting Patient Incidents and Complaints using Tablet / SOP for Reporting Patient Incidents and Complaints using Computer
- Actively participating in the training programs provided.
- Informing managers/supervisors if they are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive if they are required to handle or administer cytotoxics within their role.
- All registered healthcare professionals are accountable for their practice in accordance with the standards laid down by their professional body.